Updated 15/11/2023

Report on requirements and Thematic Modules definition for the physics domain

D7.2 publicly available

Deliverable D7.2

This report focuses on the definition and requirements of the thematic modules necessary for the creation of the digital twins for the physics domain.


Starting from a description of the use case scenarios, several thematic modules in the physics domain are defined. Those reusable components will be integrated into the interTwin Digital Twin Engine (DTE) and could be used by multiple scientists in different workflows.


Based on the provided textual and schematic digital twin descriptions and thematic modules, all the requirements are gathered and subdivided in several categories:

  • storage I/O
  • databases
  • computing
  • operating system and execution framework
  • machine learning
  • real-time data acquisition and processing
  • data formats
  • workflow tools
  • visualisation
  • sharing

The deliverable is publicly available on Zenodo

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8036997


Lead partner: CERN

WP7: Digital Twin Engine Thematic Modules