Updated 09/08/2023

Blueprint architecture, functional specifications, and requirements analysis (first version)

D3.1 publicly available

The architectural blueprint for the interTwin Digital Twin Engine (DTE) is designed to be used by the interTwin project’s technical Work Packages (WP5, WP6 and WP7) to align the DTE with the requirements of the related software components. It also considers other relevant initiatives and projects (DestinationE, EOSC, ESCAPE, C-Scale, Digital Twin Consortuim, Gaia-X, and other EU Data Spaces) to identify potential architectural components that can be incorporated within the interTwin context, and to identify where interoperability is desirable.

The blueprint will ultimately serve as a conceptual model of the DTE, following its planned evolution and iterations through collaborative co-creation during the project. This initial iteration emphasises the foundational technical elements of the DTE, and aspires to become a widely accepted Digital Twin conceptual model that caters to a multitude of diverse applications.


The deliverable is publicly available on Zenodo

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.809425


Lead partner: EGI Foundation

WP3: Technical Coordination and Interoperability