Updated 12/02/2024

D7.3 First version of the thematic modules for the environment domain

D7.3 publicly available

This report describes the status of development of thematic modules that have been identified at this stage of the project to support the development of Digital Twins in the environmental domain.

It addresses the Digital Twins thematic modules activities foreseen in T7.4 Climate analytics and data processing, T7.5 Earth Observation Modelling and Processing, and T7.6 Hydrological model data processing.

The deliverable provides a total of 15 thematic modules which are described according to a common template highlighting, among others, description, value proposition, licence, user & technical documentation, responsible, and code repository; release notes and future work are also provided.

A summary of the integration status regarding the Digital Twins applications foreseen in WP4 is also provided at the end of this document.



The deliverable is publicly available on Zenodo

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10224252


Lead partner: UNITN

WP7 Digital Twin Engine Thematic Modules