Account LInking Service (ALISE) is a tool for linking a user’s federated identity with their facility account. ALISE provides an automated procedure for users of a facility to register their federated identity.
Most facilities have some account identity and access management (IAM) system. Among other things, this component is responsible for handling supported authentication, with typical features allowing passwords to be changed, handling forgotten passwords, and registering SSH public keys.
Currently, most facilities have no support for OIDC (token-based) authentication. Therefore, their IAM solutions typically do not allow a user to register their OIDC identity.
ALISE is an easy-to-deploy stand-along service. By allowing users to register their OIDC identity, an ALISE instance allows sites to deploy other services that require OIDC/token-based authentication, and for those other services to identify users by their federated identity.
The process to register a user’s OIDC identity is needed only once per user. It requires no admin intervention