Updated 15/02/2024
DTE Infrastructure Component

APEL Accounting

Resource Accounting System


The Accounting Repository stores compute (serial and parallel jobs), storage, and cloud resource usage data collected from resource centres within an e-infrastructure.

Accounting information is gathered from distributed sensors into a central Accounting Repository where it is processed to generate summaries that are available through an Accounting Dashboard.

Aggregated statistics on resource usage available via a central dashboard to enable resourcing and funding decisions to be made.



Target Audience
  • Resource centre admins
  • Research community managers

Apache 2.0

Source Code
Created by

Release Notes

This release is an adaptation of the initial baseline release that used mostly existing sub-components. These include the SSM (Secure STOMP Messenger) messaging tool to exchange accounting records, the APEL accounting repository software, and the Grafana-based Accounting Dashboard. It has been modified to better suit it to interTwin requirements in terms of how data is presented. A demonstration with sample data is shown in Figure 2.

The system has been deployed in a pre-production environment and pending interTwin usage data being sent and loaded from the other components and resource providers, will then be made externally visible in a production environment.

Future Plans

Work is ongoing to add EGI Check-in integration as the means of accessing the interTwin Accounting Dashboard. Once data is loaded and presentable from the Dashboard, feedback will be sought on its content and presentation which will then be used to inform future development of both the Dashboard and of the accounting probes, such as the Kubernetes usage accounting probe. As for the types of accounting collected by the accounting system, these will be extended to include GPUs and other accelerators.