Updated 13/02/2024
Thematic Modules: Environment


Hydrological model data processing


A fast, free, Python-based tool developed and continuously improved by Deltares to rapidly assess direct economic impacts to buildings, utilities, and roads for user-input flood maps.

Fast impact modelling removes traditional bottlenecks in climate adaptation planning, making it possible to (1) understand the effectiveness of adaptation options and (2) quantify changes in damage and risk as climate and socio-economic conditions change.

Fast and automated
Delft-FIAT is fast and can be automated. This makes it possible to evaluate future risk caused by changing drivers like growing populations and economies. It also makes it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions by assessing flood damages – now and under changing conditions (a combinations of) interventions, like home elevations, buy-outs, or floodproofing.

Delft-FIAT has a flexible architecture and is data-agnostic. Exposure data can easily be modified, and hazard data – the flood maps – can come from any source.
For example, a user may want to try out different depth-damage functions or include a different class of damage than the traditional structure and content damages.

Furthermore, any damage type that can be described with a depth-damage function can be analysed in Delft-FIAT.

Delft-FIAT is also customisable. It can be connected to a tailored user-interface to make a custom damage modelling tool for less-technical users.

Release Notes

The application of Delft-FIAT is demonstrated in Jupyter Notebooks developed in interTwin (https://github.com/interTwin-eu/DT-flood/tree/DemonstrationNotebooks ).

A pilot implementation is being run on a Virtual Machine at DESY where the Notebooks are being adapted to leverage the pilot interTwin datalake.

This release offers examples of how to set up and run SFINCS and Delft-FIAT. Delft-FIAT offers capabilities to quantify the damages resulting from a flood.

Users can specify a geographic area of interest and a minimal number of model-specific parameters and using the output flood maps from SFINCS to estimate damages to buildings and utilities (Delft-FIAT) are automatically set up using globally available data.

Users can configure the input, i.e., the flood map, needed for the flood impact assessment tool (Delft-FIAT) and execute it from a command line interface.

Users can select scenarios to simulate, including mitigation and adaptation measures and the flood inundation model (SFINCS), the flood impact assessment tool (Delft-FIAT) and the necessary static and dynamic input data are automatically prepared to run the scenario.

Future Plans

In the next release capabilities will be created so that a user can

  • Estimate damages to buildings and utilities using locally available data
  • Use Docker / Singularity containers to execute Delf-FIAT on heterogeneous computing infrastructures.