Updated 12/02/2024
Thematic Modules: Environment


Hydrological model data processing


A Decision Support System which can be used to assess the flooding, impacts, and benefits of Flood Adaptation measures in a community. It uses SFINCS and Delft-FIAT in the background.

FloodAdapt is a decision-support tool that seeks to advance and accelerate flooding-related adaptation planning. It brings rapid, physics-based compound flood modelling and detailed impact modelling into an easy-to-use system, allowing non-expert end-users to evaluate a wide variety of compound events, future conditions, and adaptation options in minutes. FloodAdapt serves as a connector between scientific advances and practitioner needs, improving and increasing the uptake and impact of adaptation research and development.

Release Notes

The deployment of the FloodAdapt backend is achieved via Jupyter Notebooks developed in interTwin (https://github.com/interTwin-eu/DT-flood/tree/DemonstrationNotebooks).
A pilot implementation is being run on a Virtual Machine at DESY where the Notebooks are being adapted to leverage the pilot interTwin datalake.
This release offers examples of how to set up and run SFINCS and Delft-FIAT.

Future Plans

In the next release examples of how to include a hydrological model (Wflow) and the Resilience Assessment and Adaptation for Critical infrastructurE – model (RA2CE) will be included.

Target Audience
  •  Modeling experience not required
  • Researchers
  • Consultants
  • Decision makers
  • Planners


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