Key Exploitable Result

Interdisciplinary Digital Twin Engine

A software platform that provides generic and tailored functional modules for modelling and simulation to facilitate the development and deployment of Digital Twins that address scientific problems in different domains.

The interTwin  Digital Twin Engine (DTE)  is an open-source integrated platform underpinned by open standards, APIs, and protocols. It facilitates the development and implementation  of specific Digital Twins.  The DTE supports the setup, configuration and exploitation of Digital Twins. 

The interTwin DTE consists of different layers:

  • The DTE Infrastructure Modules provide specific capabilities for implementing Digital Twins, such as federated data and computing resources needed to run modelling and simulation tasks on the computing infrastructure
  • The DTE Core Modules offer cross-domain capabilities, simplifying the creation and operation of data-intensive and compute-intensive DT applications
  • The DTE Thematic Modules (currently: Environment and Physics) are add-ons providing capabilities tailored to the needs of specific application groups. They implement core functionalities for a DT but domain specific. They can evolve into core modules following successful adoption by multiple resource communities across different domains.


Target Groups
  • DT Developers interact with interTwin DTE, seen as PaaS (Platform as a Service), developing DT applications and occasionally thematic modules tailored to the needs of specific user communities
  • DT Infrastructure Providers provide computational resources and storage, to build and run the DTs and eventual connectivity with the physical twin existing in the real world
  • DT Users access the DTE as a SaaS (Software as a Service) via the DT Applications developed by the DT developers. An end user can choose an “out of the box” DT application and connect it to its use case (physical twin) or configure the needed parameters for their experiments
Valorisation / Exploitation Path
  • Platform-as-a-Service provisioning by the EGI Federation (open access)
  • Onboarded in the EOSC and AI4EU ecosystems and integrated with EU Data Spaces
  • Software available for download and maintained by the Open Source Community via GitHub and other repositories

Components offered under Free and Open Source Licenses


The DTE is owned by EGI Foundation, the different components & modules are owned by each of the partners having generated them.

Maintenance and Support

Every component owner has their own policies.

Next Steps

Collecting feedback for the second release to be published  (D5.4, 6.4, 7.7 and 7..8 -expected January 2025) and final deliverable D3.6 -expected in March 2025)

Towards the end of the project it is expected to complete the different components and complete the integration of the different modules WP5 and WP6 are integrated with the Thematic Modules and used in the Use Cases.


start date
Sep 2022
end date
Aug 2025