Ramon Carbonell

interTwin EEAB Member (CSIC, DT-GEO)

Since the PhD. in 1991 have focused research in Geodynamics and multi-scale characterization of the subsurface with contributions in: tectonophysics, seismology, and exploration geophysics. Major topics include: Geodynamic evolution of collision systems; Structure & processes in orogenic belts; tectonics and, developments in geophysical characterization methods, interdisciplinary model building (including Artificial intelligence, and Machine Learning). Has carried out research in wave propagation, inversion, seismic imaging, (methodological developments & applications), technical implementation of numerical clones, digital twins in seismology (using HPC), the structure, nature (i.e., evolution) of the Earth's continental crust, and, applied geophysics addressing shallow environmental problems.

I have targeted: the determination of seismic anisotropy within the lower crust and Moho beneath extensional tectonic areas (e.g. Basin and Range, USA); the geometry of the Moho beneath the Ural mountains (Russia) and, Rif (Morocco); characterizing the lithosphere across the Atlas (Morocco); imaging the internal architecture of the Variscan Orogen (Iberia peninsula); among other publications. Of special relevance are projects concerning the use of the subsurface: as geological storage for radioactive waste, geotechnical assessment of the subsurface for infrastructures (tunnels, subway, geological storage facilities, etc). Received over 3000 citations of his over 130 manuscripts in peer review journals (including Science and Nature); over 200 contribution in international conferences; advised over 20 students (Master and PhD’s) and PI in over 50 research projects (Nationaly of internationaly supported). Profesor of research since 2005, have hold several professional offices: Head of the Research Group on Structure and Dynamics of the Earth (Consolidated Excellence Research Group Generalitat-Catalunya 2000-2015); President of the Seismological Division of the European Geoscience Union (from 2007 to 2011), Chair of Referee Panel: International Geosciences Panel of The Danish Council for Independent Research-Natural Sciences FNU- (2011-2013); Evaluation panel member: Agence Nationale de Recherche Comité d'évaluation scientifique «Physique subatomique-Sciences de l'Univers-Structure et histoire de la Terre» (2014-2019); Evaluation Panel Member of the National evaluation committee of the scientific research activity “ANECA-CENAI Campo 5 Ciencias de la Tierra” (2019-2021); Evaluation Panel Member: Premios Nacionales de Investigación Modalidad Blas Cabrera (2020-2021); Executive Editor of the EGU Journal Solid Earth (2010-2014) and Chief Editor of Tectonophysics. Some PhD Students developing their own research at national and, or international centers or have their own private enterprises: T. Teixidor, (PhD 2000), Currently Univ. Granada, D. Martí (PhD 2005), LITHICA, now at IGME- CSIC (Madrid), Immaculada Palomeras (PhD 2010) Univ. Salamanca, I. Flecha (PhD 2012), Currently: Firefigters Corps, Generalitat de Catalunya, J. Alcalde (PhD 2013) GEO3BCN-CSIC, Barcelona, S. Ehsan (PhD. 2014) COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Abbottabad, (Pakistan), J. Andres (PhD. 2020) Institut Cartográfic i Geológic de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain. Handoyo, (PhD. 2022) Associate Professor at Geophysicist Institut Teknologi Sumatera, Indonesia. Post-doctoral research supervision: M. Ercoli Prof. Univ. Degli Studi di Perugia, Dipartamento di Fisica e Geología (Italy), De Felipe, I. (2018-2021) Univ. Salamanca (Spain), Y. Makovsky, (2001-2003) Univ. Haifa, Haifa, (Israel), Ari Tryggvason, (2003-2005) Univ. Uppsala (Sweden), I. Marzan, (2017-2020) research scientist at IGME-CSIC, Madrid. Honorary Profesor at ITERA, Institut Teknologi Sumatera, Lampung, Indonesia; Visiting scientist at: Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Fisica y Naturales Universidad de San Juan, Argentina (2016); Rice Univ. Houston TX, USA (2013); Earthquake Research Institute, Univ. Tokyo, Japan (2012); Dept. Sciences de la Terre, Univ. Paris-Sud, Orsay, France (2005); Geoscience Australia, Camberra, Australia (2004); VIRG-RUDGEOFIZIKA-Inst. of Physics, St. Petersburg State Univ. Russia (1992).
